EP 127: The Middle Season: Middle School Moms

Welcome to the Middle School Moms Support Group! In this season of motherhood, our pre-teens can’t decide if they want us close or as far away as possible. It’s a struggle for independence but also support. We’re calling this episode the Middle Season for a reason; the in between of childhood and adolescence. Our kids are experiencing new schedules, body changes, a bigger social scene and more opportunities. The weight is heavy on their minds, bodies and hormones.

Rebecca shares a story from the Bible about God’s chosen people wandering through the desert with their fearless leader, Moses. Moses is a kindred spirit to us mamas. He didn’t just have 2 boys of his own, he had 2 million Israelites…whining teenagers…to oversee for 40 years. The similarities are blaring! As they stood on the edge of the Promised Land, the people buckled under fear and distrust. Scripture says their children would suffer for their faithlessness. Instead of claiming the victory God promised, they would experience waiting and death.

MAMAS, we can’t be fearful of what middle school presents us and our kids. We can’t distrust that the God who has gotten us this far won’t take us through this desert too. Instead of stepping back to wait it out, let’s lean in and parent hard. Let’s stand in faith FOR our kids when they’re searching for who they are. We can talk about the hard topics, and we can limit social media. The age-old argument still rings loud in 2023: Everybody gets to do this but me! Wrong. You ask God what’s best for your child and then stand firm when they winds and tantrums blow.

This is my prayer for our middle school warriors – “But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it. ” Numbers 14:24

Great article on the middle school years here.


Canes and Community

If your child is on a sports team, your school is doing a fundraiser or a reading challenge, or your place of worship needs a donation, discounted meal or free meal vouchers, you need to check out canesandcommunity.com. Create a profile and enter your request. Someone from their team will reach out to you and they can even work with you to help get creative about what may be best for your organization.

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