Spring Break Survival Tips

Spring break is fast approaching for many schools and families. Will you be traveling or opting for a relaxing "staycation" at home? Here are some simple tips to help you make the most of the week if you opt to stay home!

Make it Monday
Make a craft, bake a treat, whip up a special meal, or unleash your creativity with paints!

Thinking Tuesday
Print out some worksheets or word searches appropriate for your kids or play a strategy game! Also, consider planning a simple science experiment in advance.

Water Day Wednesday
Visit a pond and feed the ducks, play with water balloons, sprinklers, or squirt guns, or have a glow-stick bath! 

Take a Trip Thursday
Take a trip to the zoo, museum, bowling, park or library! If you want some extra fun go on a scavenger hunt! 

Fun Day Friday
Enjoy a movie night with your family, go camping in the backyard, schedule a playdate, or host a tea party.

Finally, it's important to remember that allowing children to experience boredom can actually be beneficial for their development! It encourages them to use their creativity and imagination. Meanwhile, taking time for yourself is essential so you don’t “pour from an empty cup”. Whether it's going for a walk and listening to worship music or waking up before the kids to finish a cup of coffee and read your devotional, prioritizing “soul-care” is key to feeling recharged and ready to tackle whatever comes your way. So go ahead, push those bedtimes back, embrace the small quiet moments, and remember to listen to your own needs.

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