EP 121: The Waiting Season

We’ve all had to wait. Whether waiting in traffic or waiting for a breakthrough, we know the uneasiness and stress that comes with waiting. For women, waiting for a baby may be the hardest waiting season of all. The pain of this waiting that we often call infertility is more common than we may realize. 1 in 6 women deal with infertility and know the pain of longing and waiting for a child. The Bible is not silent on this issue and instead highlights and cares for women who long for children. Women like Hannah, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Manoah and Ruth knew what it was to wait and Hannah is a beautiful example of bringing the longing and pain to God.

Psalm 27:14 NASB says “Wait for the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord.”
Here are some truths to remember:
1.     Waiting, in Scripture, is the active turning to the Lord.
2.     Periods of waiting help us articulate our need for God.
3.     Our story of waiting is part of our witness.
Visit the Gather Moms blog for more encouragement and resources. One of our core beliefs is just because you don’t have a biological child, or an adoptive child or are still in the waiting season, doesn’t mean you don’t have the heart of a mother. You are created in the image of God – and where does motherhood come from? From God – our Creator. You are welcome here.

All of us know someone who has struggled or is struggling with this. In fact, I would guess most of us experienced some of it ourselves. We need to lean into this group of mamas because they are our friends, daughters, sisters, and sisters-in-law. We wanted this episode to remind you that you are seen and loved by a heavenly Father but also by the Gather Moms community.
Galatians 6:2, “Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.” (NLT)

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