brown wooden table and chairs

Schedules for Sanity in Social Distancing

Hey mamas! Kate here. How did you handle the news that schools were closing? My honest first response:

I love my kids but I’m also so thankful for school! I work from home and treasure the few quiet hours I have to get my work done. After I recovered from the shock, I decided that if we were going to make the best of our time, we needed to have a plan. I put together the plan below and thought I would share it with all of you.

I kept it pretty simple so you could customize it to what is best for your family and added images for the littles who may not be reading yet. You could print out one for each kid and make notes for them, print one each day and use it as a checklist or just print a single copy and put it on your fridge.

I am cautiously optimistic for this to work. We are going to put this plan in place, hope for the best, know they will mess up some, offer grace and then bribe them with treats to stay on track. We are cheering you on, mamas!!

Download PDF HERE

Here are a few other great plans that could work for your family: