EP 96: The Bible ROCKS with Kat Armstrong

Like, really: Bible rocks. As in, the rocks in the Bible. What if we looked at all of the rocks in the Bible like the rock rolled in front of the tomb, the rocks Joshua used to build the altar and the rock Jacob laid his head on to see what we could learn from them. Because, truly, the Bible ROCKS and we can learn so much when we study it in a new way.

Bible nerds: this episode is for you. We’re geeking out on how fun it is to study the Bible as Kat shares with us why she wrote the Storyline Bible series. Who knew rocks, mountains, valleys or trees could be so exciting but, like Kat said as she was studying trees in the Bible and came across the burning bush and realized: “Dude! That’s a tree!” we, too can get that excited as we study the Bible.

The first two books in Kat’s series, Mountains and Valleys, are available now and you can get them HERE.

Connect with Kat on Instagram

The first ever Gather Moms Podcast Live is coming Sunday, February 5, 2023 from 5 to 7 PM at The Pearl at Sabine Creek. We can’t wait to celebrate our 100th Podcast episode with all of you. Buy your ticket here because seats are limited!

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