red and gray metal folding chairs

It’s time to SHOP!

Hey Moms!! Who needs new fall clothes? If not you, then definitely your kids. Your 2nd grader grew and all their pants are too short. Last year’s boots are tight and everyone needs more leopard print in their life. Belk to the rescue!

Join Gather Moms and Belk as we partner for their upcoming Charity Sale on November 9. Belk supports local charities by allowing them to sell $5 coupons and keep all the proceeds. Shoppers can then use those coupons on November 9 at their Charity Sale. The coupon gives you access to 25% off designer brands and works at ANY Belk store. It’s time to shop!

Check out this video of Kate and I having fun at Belk Rockwall.

Belk & Gather Moms for the shopping WIN!

You can purchase a $5 coupon through your Gather group meeting this month or contact us and we’ll send you one! Email Marissa Grooms at You can also message or comment on our social media post and we’ll get you a coupon. If you purchase a coupon in Belk before November 9, your donation will go towards another charity so buy a coupon from us! Any tickets purchased on November 9 will be split amongst all the charities and Gather will receive a portion.

Thank you for supporting Gather Moms and getting in the fall groove with some trendy fashion from Belk!

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