Episode 8: Before and After

Everyone loves a good before and after. Home reno and makeover shows keep us transfixed on the screen until the exciting big reveal. No one would want to watch if everything just stayed the same, right? As we think longingly about normal life, pre-Covid and dream about returning to a new normal, what if we decided to change our thinking? Instead of just getting back to the same or normal, this could be an opportunity for transformation. We believe God wants to do a work in us that is so much better than normal. Let us desire to be Spirit-led and God-centered. Normal is so boring.


  • Board and Batton – Classic type of wainscoting made with vertically installed wide boards and narrow battens fastened over the gaps between the boards. Check out an inspiration picture on ourfauxfarmhouse.com, one of our favorites to follow on Insta!
  • Rebecca painted the inside of her house Realist Beige which is rated as one of the top neutrals to paint your home on The Spruce.
  • Kate’s words: philanthropic, crap, “I watched a video”, gnarly, Texas is full, Jennifer and Jo can do no wrong, bad mamma-jamma, you should be vomiting. We can’t get enough of her hilarious lingo!
  • HGTV – Home & Garden Television OR our before/after – Holy Ghost Television
  • The median price for a house in California now tops $600,000, more than twice the national level. The state has four of the country’s five most expensive residential markets—Silicon Valley, San Francisco, Orange County and San Diego.
  • Cool Runnings is a classic from 1993 when a Jamaican sprinter is disqualified from the Olympic Games and enlists the help of a dishonored coach to start the first Jamaican Bobsled Team.
  • Episode inspiration from Apple TV series, Defending Jacob, “There really wasn’t a normal anymore, it was before and after.”

Action Steps:

  • Stop going after normal. Let’s be about before and after.
  • God isn’t satisfied with normal; he is in the business of transformation.
  • Counseling can be a holy gift.
  • God has equipped Christian counselors to lead you into transformation.
  • Everyone should be in counseling.

Gospel Truth:

  • 2 Corinthians 3:18
  • Colossians 3:10
  • Ephesians 4:22-24

What’s your ONE THING?