Episode 59: The Christmas Story; Gold, Frankincense…WAIT, There’s Myrhh!

We three kings of orient are…WAIT. What? Were they kings or magi and what does it mean they are from the orient? We are taking a deep dive into these three (were there actually three) men that celebrated Jesus’ birth with some famous gifts. There are so many treasures, not just the gold, to uncover in this story and we had the best time with our investigative fun! JOIN US


  • Hidden Christmas by Tim Keller
  • Orient = From the East; meaning anything in Asia. The wise men were most likely from the area of Babylon.
  • Magi = Zoroastrians. Today, we might call them astrologers.

Bible truth:

  • Luke 2:21-38 (Jesus circumcised and presented at the temple where we meet Anna and Simeon)
  • Matthew 2 (The wise men)

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