Episode 58: The Christmas Story; Mary Did Know

We can’t help but love and admire sweet Mary, the mother of Jesus. The trust and strength displayed in her story is awe-inspiring. Throughout scripture we see God choosing people to display his glory not because of their greatness, but because of his greatness. Mary, a teenage girl, was chosen to carry the Son of Man but she was just like us with questions, worries, struggles and a desperate need for God’s strength. Big shout out to Joseph, who got his own angel visit and was asked to shoulder the responsibility of getting Mary to Bethlehem and helping deliver baby Jesus. We imagine him kind, determined and humble. The curiosity continues as we wonder did they really spend the night in a stable, were they all alone delivering Jesus and how long did the shepherds have to search for a baby in a manger? Amidst the questions, we do know that God’s promised Savior entered the world by humble means to a lonely, waiting world. The gift of Jesus’ birth was celebrated by a smelly shepherds and wealthy magi. Join us next episode as we take a curious look at the arrival of these wise men from afar.


  • Accoutrement: additional items of dress or equipment, or other items carried or worn by a person or used for a particular activity.
  • Crèche: a model or tableau representing the scene of Jesus Christ’s birth, displayed in homes or public places at Christmas.
  • After birth is honestly on my list of ‘things you don’t talk about’ so feel free to do your own research on Kate’s observations! My few clicks on the internet led to all kinds of interesting and slightly gross articles.

Bible truth:

  • Mary’s Magnificat, Luke 1:46-55
  • Greek word for ‘inn’ (Luke 2:7) is kataluma which means inn or lodging place. Used 3x in the New Testament and the other 2 times it is translated ‘guest room’ in Mark 14:14 and Luke 22:11.
  • Read more here about where Mary and Joseph might have stayed to deliver Jesus.

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