Episode 51: MORE Intentionality; Making the Days Matter

Today we welcome back to the podcast, Jenny Worsham, our Gather Groups Director. We’re closing out Season 5 with one of the hallmarks of Gather Moms which is choosing to mom with intentionality. We know that many days are spent playing catch-up with schedules, laundry and our to-do list, but we believe that making time for intentional moments with our kids is vitally important. Jenny shares with us about the history of Gather, a mom-hack brimming with intentionality and the beauty of community. Our monthly Gather groups have gotten an upgrade with a new video series produced in partnership with RightNow Media. Each core value will now feature a short video teaching that accompanies the study guide. We hope this encourages moms to set aside the time to embrace these values as they seek to teach and live them out in their homes. Check the links below to find the video teaching and study guides. We’re thrilled to offer these updated resources to all our mamas and pray it bears much fruit in the years to come!


  • Welcome kids home from school with a special treat.
  • Pick easy to make treats like store bought cookie dough, cinnamon rolls or popcorn. It’s amazing how that sweet smell when they walk in the door can set the stage for intentional conversation.


  • Moms of all seasons and life stages meet in Gather Groups across the world.
  • We encourage groups to meet once a month for one hour. Choose one thing to take home from the discussion to implement in your home over the next month.

Learn more about Gather Groups HERE

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Kate Henderson: Instagram | Facebook

Rebecca Bradford: Instagram | Facebook

Jenny Worsham: Instagram | Facebook