Episode 5: To Hug or Not to Hug

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To hug or not to hug? As we reenter social situations I feel like this question is going to come up. Social distance for some is still in full effect and how do you tell if someone is a shaker, elbow bumper or none of the above? Join Kate and Rebecca as they discuss the difference between introverts and extroverts and even make some diagnostic guesses for a few Bible characters. Whatever we are, let’s embrace this coming opportunity to jump back in to people, places and possibilities!


  • APB – All Points Bulletin
  • Synonyms for a woman’s bosom: ping pongs, zoongas, top parts. Just so you know, these options are not listed in the online thesaurus, only in Kate’s mind.
  • Kate word – hellacious means remarkable, astonishing, formidably difficult.
  • Ambivert means one whose personality type is intermediate between extrovert and introvert.
  • WWJD “What Would Jesus Do?” became popular in the 1800’s and again in the 90′ as a personal motto for Christians.

Action Steps:

  • Embrace the opportunity to go out and socialize again.
  • Get creative with seeing one another in a positive interaction.
  • Check on somebody!

Gospel Truth:

Jesus is an ambivert. Extrovert: Matthew 9:35-36, loved people, had compassion on them, healed their disease. Introvert: Matthew 14:23, pulled away by himself to pray and send time with the Father in prayer.

Sanctification is the process by which something/someone is made holy and set apart.

Please know that there is nothing in scripture that refers to any of these biblical characters as introverts or extroverts. We are 100% guessing and firmly believe that this does not affect eternal salvation. Hopefully Jesus got a chuckle with our uneducated guesses.

Ephesians 2:8-10

What is your ONE THING?
