Episode 42: HOME; Where are my Keds?

High-five, MAMA, because we have made it to the last episode of Season Three: HOME! We are finishing this season with a peek in the room of our tween kids. Tweens are ages 9 to 12 and it’s that in-between phase of childhood to teenager. So much happens in their development and bless all the changes…body changes, school changes, and emotions on hyper-drive. Kate and Rebecca share their memories of tween clothing, hair styles and song choices. Oh how the times have changed, but still an important growing period as our tweens desire privacy, independence and would rather ask friends for advice than Mom. Their bodies are in major flux and it is so hard to navigate the eye-rolls, attitude and changing bodies. This is a hard phase, MAMA, and our goal is to help our kids remember who they are in Christ Jesus so they can tackle their struggles well WITH our love and support.


  • Poodle bangs, double-layer socks, Keds, scrunchies, Lisa Frank and glitter pens, hyper-color, Trolls and so many iconic shows, movies and songs. Enjoy your own walk down memory lane from your tween years!
  • Tips for how to journey well with our Tweens:
    • Start allowing more privacy – knocking on the door before entering
    • Tech-wise – be ‘in the know’ of what your tween is watching and how much time they are on it
    • Friendship drama – helping set boundaries so they are not connected 24 hours a day
    • Be flexible with their changing interests
    • Slow down at bedtime for a daily check-in

Back to the Bible:

  • Romans 8:37
  • 1 Timothy 4:12
  • James 1:5
  • Philippians 4:6-7

COMING SOON!! Summer 2021 study with Kate and Rebecca, The Tween to Teen Transition

  • Register here and join in person at Lakepointe Church in Rockwall, Texas. Wednesday nights starting June 30 from 6:30 – 8PM.
  • Join the Gather Patreon and get access to bonus episodes from the study. 

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Rebecca Bradford: Instagram | Facebook