Episode 40: HOME; Placentas, Plots and Pomodoros with Mary DeMuth

Welcome our special guest, Mary DeMuth, speaker, writer, podcaster, artist and literary agent. Yes, she is an all around amazing human! Mary is an accomplished author and pioneer for speaking truth and healing from sexual abuse. Her book, We Too, is a incredible resource for churches looking to address this issue and offer help. Thank you, Mary, for having the uncomfortable conversations and creating a culture of change in the church today! Mary’s HOME office is the epicenter of her creative work where she writes, records her Pray Everyday podcast and paints scripture cards. She reminds us that there are training years where we grow our gift without the promise of success. We remain diligent in the 3×3 plot, flexing our muscles and practicing our passions. Mary’s words of advice to all of us is what she heard God speak to her, “Choose small, tend large.” Stay faithful in what God is giving you and look to him for the growth!


  • Mary encouraged us to use the Pomodoro technique: Beat procrastination and improve your focus one pomodoro at a time.
  • Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg
  • How to get started: Find a local Writers’ group, Take notes when you listen to other speakers, Look for local opportunities to speak and share, Pay your dues.
  • Mary encourages young writers to – Practice – Master – Venture

Connect with Mary:

Visit her website here and her Etsy shop

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