Episode 36: HOME; Not Home Alone

Moms share some common needs like sleep, caffeine and solo shopping trips. Guess what else we share? 90% of moms endure the common struggle of loneliness. It’s hard to imagine a mom would ever be lonely in a house full of people, but often we feel isolated amidst the chaos of motherhood. We need each other! We need mom-friends to walk alongside us and share our burdens, offer encouragement and remind us we are normal. Social media would lead us to believe that great moms have it all together, along with a tribe of perfect friends. Wrong! All of us have sin struggles and emotional breakdowns. Great mom-friends get vulnerable with each other and share their imperfections. Stop prioritizing ‘doing’ over ‘being’ because a checked off list of to-do’s won’t offer the same support as a kind smile and warm embrace. Show up for those around you and be intentional with building your tribe of like-minded MAMAS.


  • Check out our BONUS Episode: The Day We Met which dropped August 28, 2020 to hear about the start of our friendship.
  • Character clothing is just part of growing up. Give in because we promise it won’t last forever!
  • You know you’ve found a true mom friend when you can answer the door braless.

Back to the Bible:

  • Hebrews 10:24-25
    • Get creative with how you encourage other mom-friends
    • Build each other up with courage, support and confidence
    • Don’t isolate in your home away from community
    • Meet together and pursue hope and healing

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