Episode 24: Meet the Jesus Mamas

Some say it takes a village and we agree. In biblical terms, it takes a genealogy and one that is full of moms with all sorts of backgrounds to bring about the Savior of the world, Jesus. Our Christmas mamas series had to include the ones listed in the telling of the Christmas story found in the book of Matthew where we see Jesus’ scandalous family legacy that includes a list of five women. Women, who were usually left out of biblical genealogies, are included here and they aren’t only the cleaned up, instagram-worthy-lives-women but real women, with real issues who needed a real Savior.

We’ve got some great Christmas trivia, a few jokes that will SLEIGH you and a message of hope for this Christmas season.


  • Cell Phone Disgust: A study found that a cell phone carries ten times the bacteria of a toilet seat. Cue sick out moment.
  • Dudes and the potty: Research proves they are def on there for much longer than ladies. “Men spent an average of 1 hour and 35 minutes on the commode each week, or nearly 14 minutes a day, compared with women, who spend just 55 minutes a week on the toilet, or almost 8 minutes a day.”
  • The Five Women in Jesus’ Genealogy in Matthew 1: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bethsheba, Mary
  • The Great Shema: Learn more about it HERE
  • Hidden Christmas by Tim Keller
    • Keller comments, “Here, then, you have moral outsiders — adulteresses, incestuous relationships, prostitutes. Indeed, we are reminded that even the prominent male ancestors — Judah and David — were moral failures. You also have cultural outsiders, racial outsiders and gender outsiders. The Law of Moses excluded these people from the presence of God, and yet they are all publicly acknowledged as the ancestors of Jesus.”

Gospel Truth:

  • Matthew 1
  • He wants to use each of us. He wants our hearts. No matter your background, no matter what you’ve done. He wants to redeem and unite. That is the hope we have.

What is your ONE thing?