Episode 16: Meet Mama Sophie

Have you ever heard of Mama Sophie? Sophie is short for the Syrophoenician woman found in Mark 14. We meet her in her most desperate hour when she is begging Jesus to heal her daughter. She is a mess of emotions and relentless in her request. This might describe all of us Mamas at one time or another. When it comes to our children, we cannot be stopped. God was persistent in his gospel endeavors too. He would not stop until his own son paid the price for our salvation. Rebecca and Kate celebrate this beautiful Biblical mom who shows us persistence is precious and powerful.


  • Freedom thoughts: Don’t wait to celebrate. When you think it, do it. Forget the coupon, just order it from Amazon.
  • War Room with Priscilla Shirer came out in 2015 and celebrates the power of persistent prayer.
  • The Mandalorian Season 2 premiers on Disney Plus October 30.

Gospel Truth:

  • Mark 7:24-30
  • Matthew 15:21-28
  • 1Thessalonians 5:16-18
  • Hebrews 4:16

Action Steps:

  • Be persistent in your prayer.
  • Approach the throne with confidence.
  • Hold fast to the Father, no matter the answer.

What’s your ONE THING?