EP 83: Help! I feel left out

Sometimes finding mom friends feels like the school lunchroom all over again. Where do I sit? Who do I talk to? Will they like me? You may feel like you’re the only one struggling to find your crew but you’re not. It can be such a challenge to find moms who get us and are in a similar mom season. Not to mention, our time is limited and plans can get easily interrupted by a sick kid or lack of a babysitter. But, we all have a deep longing to be friends with other women who get us. It is worth the effort and, in this episode, we’re talking about what to do with your left out feelings and how to find the mom friends you long for.

We hope this episode will inspire you to take a chance on searching out opportunities to meet and make mom friends. Use this strategy to get you going in the right direction:

  • PRAY – Before you say that first ‘Hello,’ call out to God and ask him to be your guide.
  • PLAN – Take advantage of what’s already out there like mom groups, the sidelines of your kids’ sport practices, bible studies at your local church AND GATHER GROUPS.
  • PROMPT – Ask the Holy Spirit to prompt your spirit when it’s time to make the first move. Your courage could be the motivation other moms need to jump in too.
  • PURSUE – Try, try again. Give yourself and the others moms lots of grace for this new adventure. Hard things can be the most rewarding so don’t give up if it feels awkward. The gift of community is so worth it!

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