EP 80: PT 2 Help! I Want a Better Morning

Here’s to all the moms that want a better morning! Kate and Rebecca share more insight on changing our perspective of the early morning hours. Did you know it starts the night before? Instead of dreading the alarm, we can decide to embrace the opportunity to start the day with discipline. Mornings for moms come with all kinds of surprises and pivots, but we can set aside time to prepare our mind and body. Discipline creates lifestyle.

Today we’re challenging all our Gather Moms to join us on a 7 day challenge to take back our mornings. Will you commit to do these 4 things before your family gets up?

  • Sit in silence
  • Move your body
  • Journal your thoughts
  • Pray

God sees you, MAMA. He has purpose for your days. Even if it feels like you’re in a season of waiting, you can be actively making the most of your time. Join our community of accountability and let’s do this together. Click the link below to find our social media and comment with the hashtag #goodmorningGather to tell us you’re IN!

Rebecca shares quotes and wise practices from this best-selling book, Miracle Mornings, by Hal Elrod.

Kate also highly recommends Atomic Habits by James Clear.

Good Morning Gather: Starts Wednesday, Sep 28|7 days of early morning routine to motivate more productive days

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Rebecca Bradford: Instagram | Facebook