EP 69: I’m Obviously Right; Fights Interrupted

When was the last time you had an argument with your spouse? Today we’re reminding all of us that fighting is normal. It can actually be a healthy part of a relationship. Passionate opinions and selfish desires force us to examine what’s most important and compromise as we come together to find common ground. Most of us don’t expect an argument to interrupt our day but then it happens. Kate and Rebecca get vulnerable and shine a light on angry emotions, the need to be seen and the hope Jesus gives us in scripture. All of us are growing up in marriage and need some redo’s on fighting fair. Learning to argue well and see from the other person’s perspective are necessary for mature relationships. We hope you hear some real-talk today that will encourage you to take a deep breath and say, “I love this person,” before your next real-life fight.

Bible Truth:

  • James 4:1
  • Romans 12:18
  • 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
  • Proverbs 18:1-2

Check out Fixing Broken Relationships with Andy Stanley for how the Gospel gives us an example of forgiveness and reconciliation.

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