EP 102:Listen, Sis: It may be time for a phone break

I (Rebecca) put down my phone for a week and am thrilled to share what I learned and experienced. As I am typing these show notes, my phone just notified me that my screen time was down 86% last week. Was it easy? No. Was it worth it? Yes!

Our phones constantly distract us as we subconsciously convince ourselves that we need them more than anything else. We literally can’t leave home without them. We also spend our precious time checking social media and appeasing our boredom with apps and games. Those we love most often get the least of our presence as we divert our attention to something that has become an idol.

My spiritual mentor challenged me to take the time I normally spend on my phone and instead spend it in prayer. Our minds and hearts are navigating hurt and disappointment on a daily basis and too often we settle for putting it off in search of an easy fix of social media scrolling. There was so much inside me that needed personal attention from Jesus and I am so thankful for the reminder that his love is so much better.

I’m praying you take the plunge too! Start your own journey in taking a break from your phone and follow these steps:

  • Start by vomiting your feelings on paper – get everything inside your heart, even the dark places, out on paper and let the Holy Spirit help you process and then confess.
  • Sit down with Jesus and write this at the top of your journal, “Father, what is on your heart today?” Now listen and then listen some more…don’t rush this time. Sit and listen.
  • Read God’s word and meditate on it all day – anticipate the promise that God will expand your understanding as you ponder it all day.


Scripture passages to read this week: Psalm 112, Psalm 103, Psalm 27, Psalm 32, Psalm 30, Psalm 16, Psalm 150

Click HERE for further study on Redeeming Your Phone Time




We are excited to announce a gathering for moms in the Austin area with our Gather Moms Retreat 2023 at Highland Lakes Camp and Conference Center in Spicewood, Texas. Join us March 10-11 for a time to worship, study God’s Word and connect with other moms. Click here for more information and to register.

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