The sun is shining, birds are singing and flowers blooming. The new life of Spring means Easter is coming and we get to celebrate our new lives in Christ. He was raised to life on Easter Sunday and offers that to us. The empty tomb is truly worth celebrating!
Easter is a great opportunity to teach our children the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. We don’t have to do away with the bunnies and the eggs. They can in fact come right along with us. Here are some ways our families at Gather Moms love to celebrate Easter.
Eggs that tell the story:
These eggs are a great way for kids to see the Easter story come to life:

Easter is a great time to give books that help tell the beautiful story of what Jesus did for us on the cross. Here are some we love:
Books about Easter:

Another Easter holiday favorite are yummy treats. Resurrection Rolls are delicious and fill the house with the wonderful smell of baking bread and cinnamon AND they tell the resurrection story.
Resurrection Rolls:

HERE is the recipe for Resurrection Rolls with their meaning.
Grab 12 eggs and fill 11 with a piece of candy or a small treat or toy. Grab your kids and go hide the eggs in a friend or neighbor’s yard. Leave the “You’ve Been Egged” note, ring the doorbell and run! It’s such a fun way to celebrate with your friends and your kids will love being egg bandits.

What’s in the Bible is awesome and this video does a great job of telling the Easter story:
Blessings and HAPPY EASTER!