These days of quarantine seem to pass so slowly but looking back, we’ve been doing this for OVER TWO WEEKS. What has your family done, learned, experienced, triumphed over? For me, a few things stand out but for the most part, it feels like a blur. In this historic time in our world, we are starting a daily log to keep track of our day to day.
This practice is not new to me because I grew up with a ship’s log. We spent our weekend’s on our sailboat and at the end of each sail, one family member was in charge of entering the ship’s log for the day. We always included: who was on board, the weather, where we went and any noteworthy or funny happenings. Guests were always encouraged to chime in, too and I just love looking through those old journals and remembering.
We have the opportunity to do that now as our families are each sailing through uncharted waters. Journaling helps us process, helps us learn and gives us hope as we zoom out of the struggle of a single day and see the many days of blessings.
I rummaged through my closet and pulled out some options for journals. I have journals from past events, gifts and ones I bought in the Target dollar spot. You could use a spiral notebook or just staple some paper together.

The kids helped me name our Covid log: The Chronicles of Covid. Here is what our log looks like and what we will include each day.
For us, this is not a journal, that felt like too much of an emotional and time commitment! This is a simple log of the day. We will let one person fill in the day’s log at the dinner table and have the kids take turns. When it’s their turn, they can feel free to add whatever information they’d like to that day’s log.
Ideas for what to put in the log:
- Weather
- What your family did
- Highs and Lows
- Thankful for
- A Bible verse or quote
- Something noteworthy from the day; a funny story, a fun activity
Happy logging! It will be so neat to look back on these some day and remember what our families did during this time.