149: I’m Struggling with Comparison

Comparison – is it always bad? I actually do a lot of comparing like grocery deals, gas prices and clothing fits and trends.  The basic idea of comparison is examining similarities or differences between two or more things. It becomes detrimental when we let social comparison – myself vs others – indicate degrees of superiority or inferiority.

“Comparison is the thief of joy.”

President Theodore Roosevelt

Social comparison is a happiness quest. We get a hit of dopamine when we decide our house is the best, clothes are the best or new spray tan is the best. It is short-lived and shallow. Joy runs deep and exists in the face of trial and hardship. It lasts beyond the moment of happiness and holds us steady when life doesn’t go our way.

Comparison is a chase. Joy is a choice.

Comparison separates. Joy connects.

How can you overcome the comparison trap and choose joy?

  1. Limit social media.
  2. Pray before social gatherings.
  3. Manage your inner critic.
  4. Practice gratitude.

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